Monday, April 23


Contributed by M Nerud

did this for my rushed shadows assignment. I tried to throw the swing in the air, get out of the way, and take a picture of just the swing and the shadow and failed quite a lot. I'm not too proud of this image personally, but it still came out pretty nice and clear.


Anonymous said...

This picture is pretty good except for the fact that the swing blends in to well. If there was some way to differ the swing from the rest of the picture then it woul be good.

Eli Cockrum

Mr. Myers said...

I think that the swing does conrtrast enough and I like the image. I do feel it could be better if you had been able to get an interesting shadow or had the swing on a bit more of a diagonal. Good effort Miles.

Anonymous said...

In this picture the seat kind of blends in with the ground below it. Maybe if the swing was in the air and moving you would be able to tell where the swing is. Although it is a good picture. The swing is exactly in the middle of the frame which is good and shows some depth. I Like how there are shadows in the background but there is still a lot of light. This picture kind of has a lonely feel because there is one swing and no one around it.