Monday, March 31

Good Bones, Bad Bones

Contributed by T Carnes

This is a picture I took over spring break on the way to the beach. I added a curves and brightness/contrast layer.


Unknown said...

i took that exit too. besides the point though. i like how the tower's cream color goes very nicely with the blue sky. also the positioning of the tower is exceptionally good and just helps the whole thing have the 'x' factor that every good picture has.

Anonymous said...

So I mean, Trey... this picture is really bland. You didn't even manage to get the full B in the picture. There is virtually nothing to look at in this picture. You got the rule of thirds, but other than that, its just blah. Come on man, I feel like 2 minutes more time could have gotten you a decent photo, and instead you took a picture of a water tower from a boring angle. Please have a little more effort next time.

Jay said...

i have seen that water tower on the way down to the beach as well. overall this picture is a little bland. there is just not much going on in this photograph. i do like how you got the sun shining on the back of the water tower. so thats a bit interesting. i do not like the crop on this picture. i think you have too much blue sky with no clouds or anything to add interest. i wish you could see more of the B and more of the tower in general. but its a pretty good picture overall.

Anonymous said...

you usually do such a great job of making a kind of strange subject interesting. i think one problem is that there is alot of sky...but i'm not sure the picture would be that good without it. also the subject is a bit boring. i bet with a bit more thought this could have been excellent.