Friday, October 15

Hanging by a Thread

Contributed by H Camp

I took this underneath a bridge at Heardmont Park. The leaf was hanging by one thread of a spider web. I raised the contrast and the saturation.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The photo itself certainly has an interesting composition and subject, but there's definitely something missing in the way of color emphasis. The leaf doesn't stand out nearly enough against the background. They're both the same color and even about the same shades of that color. My eye isn't sure where to look because there is no emphasis on the focal point.


Anonymous said...

This picture really draws the eye in. I like the color contrast as well. NICE!

Anonymous said...

I like this photograph because it seems to have a mysterious element to it. The rule of thirds seems to apply nicely to this photo. However, I believe the leaf needs to have a contrast contrast to the background. The shades look to similar and it can be hard to distinguish, but overall, a pretty good job.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree, the background could be a little darker - as it is, the leaf almost blends into the background. Otherwise, it's got great composition and an interesting subject. JB SPHS

Anonymous said...

This is really neat. I like the lighting on the leaf and how it is crisp against the blurry background. The holes in the leaf make it even more interesting.
Great job

Anonymous said...

i think the focus in this is perfect, this is a really great picture good job! JEB SPHS

BG - SPHS said...

I really love this picture Hannah! You did a excellent job. i love how the leaf is so clear and in focus. The contrast in the picture made me really like this picture. The lighting is great. I wouldn't change anything about this image.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture. It's strange how it sort of gives you a sense of vertigo. You can't quite tell which direction the leaf is hanging from. Good job.

Anonymous said...

I really like how the focus of this picture is the center of the hole in the leaf. It makes you take a reality check because on one side of the leaf things are clear and known, while on the other side things are blurred and surreal.